Construction Safety Week May 6-10, 2019

Maxon Industries participated in Construction Safety Week 2019  and shared on social media how we stay safe by choice at Maxon each and everyday.

Day 1

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – each Maxon employee working in the shop is required to wear steel toe boots, gloves, ear plugs, and safety glasses on a regular basis.


Day 2

We asked our shop employees how they stay safe, “The real key is to keep focused on what you’re doing. Pay attention, because the second you get distracted things can start going wrong.”

Pictured: Dan the Man

Day 3

Boh Bros Construction LLC shared an important safety tip for, “A Safe Attitude” : “A good safety attitude means doing the job the right way the first time, being smart and avoiding unnecessary risks, focusing on the task, and thinking of yourself as part of the team.”


Day 4

We asked our employees again how they stay safe and they responded, “Before you start your project envision the final product, plan out how you’re going to get there, then execute your plan.” The result will have little to no mistakes and this ultimately keeps us all safer.

Picture: Killer


Thank you for joining us for Safety Week 2019! Remember to stay safe by choice each and every day!